Live Your Best Life Now

Here We do the Work!

Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception of these situations makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. If you’re reacting in conversation or discussion based on those painful memories and feelings can contribute to leading that happy life.

Negative emotions such as fear and heartache can affect your body, mind, and interactions with others leading to dysfunctional relationships, depression, stress, and disease. So, it’s important to not only be aware of your emotions, but also what you can do to release them.

Emotionstances coin how a person emotionally reacts or responds to comments, conversations, activities, or events. It is defined as “taking a strong emotional position about or toward a particular circumstance.” It can be a reaction or over-reaction to positive or negative emotions, also known as triggers. This book specifically addresses why and helps you work toward reversing negative emotions while understanding how they form. It will also help you learn better ways to manage circumstances as they come your way without having a negative Emotionstance toward the event or the person. Finally, you will gain practical suggestions on how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. Since you’re reading this, you’ve already demonstrated the courage to make the transition. So, make the purchase now and let's get started!


Live Your Best Life Now.

We must be made new.
To receive the new wine of Christ, we must become fresh wineskins. But no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.

--Matthew 9:16-17


Live Your Best Life Now.

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

― L.M. Montgomery


Live Your Best Life Now.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

– Vincent Van Gogh

Intentional vs Unintentional Pain Still Results in Pain

Dannete Wilkerson

As a life coach and student therapist, what if I were taught to give my clients a therapeutic assignment to intentionally inflict pain on your mate, your parents, your children, you co-workers, your neighbor, or your friend. What would you say to that?

The Secret to Managing Your Emotional Triggers

Dannete Wilkerson

Are you sometimes surprised by your emotions? You suddenly feel very sad or angry, even when part of you knows it’s out of proportion to what’s going on at the moment. If so, you could be experiencing an emotional trigger.

The Key To Success Is A Life Coach

10 Reasons Why You May Need a Life Coach

  • 1. Be open-minded: The first step to getting the best out of a life coach is to have an open mind. Be willing to consider new ideas and perspectives that your coach may offer.

  • 2. Set clear goals: Before you start working with a life coach, identify the areas of your life you want to improve and set clear goals. This will help you and your coach to stay focused and measure your progress.

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